Friday, May 25, 2007

What can you do to fight back??

Here's a few suggestions:

First, go with a smaller local bank or credit union. Most of them have electronic bill pay and most of the other features Skank of America offers. I live in New England and BankNorth, Citizens, and Sovereign are all other options. The best way to beat them is to take your business elsewhere.

Next, if you are trapped into staying with Bank of America, here are a few ways to beat them at their own game:

1) DO NOT GO PAPERLESS. On the main screen there is an option to not receive paper mailings. Don't give them the satisfaction of saving money when all they want to do is take your's away. Printing and postage are two huge expenses. Make them print and mail your statement to you.

2) When using e-bill, don't allow your funds to be electronically transferred to the payee. Force the option for a paper check to be generated and mailed to the payee. It costs them more money to process that way.

3) Cancel your bank of America credit cards. Go with another vendor that is worthy to receive your business.

4) Forward this blogsite to as many friends and family as possible. Lets show Bank of America that they can't get away with their predatory tactics.

5) Post your horror story with Bank of America so everyone else can see the true colors of this poor excuse of a bank.

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